Simply put, we pray with people and equip people to pray with people.
Our home base is in Highland Village, Texas. We locally serve the North Texas region, yet we love ministering to and equipping individuals, ministries, and churches around the world.
About Us
Six One Ministries provides inner healing and deliverance prayer ministry, as well as training and equipping in the areas of prayer, spiritual warfare, the believer's authority, spiritual gifts, and more.
Follow this link to learn all about our mission, distinctives, vision, team, what we believe, and more.

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"Jesus has mightily used this ministry in my life and my family's life. He continues to work and heal many areas of our hearts through the ministers at Six One, and we are grateful! Personally, because of the love and freedom He gave me at Six One, I have greater degrees of love for Him and others. I am now able to step into my calling and pour myself out praying that others receive freedom and experience the presence and healing power of the LORD. All praise, glory, and honor to His Name! Blessings and thanks to the Six One ministry leaders!"
"During my last ministry session, God revealed my identity in Him, as I have struggled with that all my life. I saw how patterns repeat themselves and was able to accept the finished work of the Blood. I am no longer a slave to my past. There is nothing I need to do to be more loved, or even do anything to be loved by God."
"During my prayer ministry session, God was so gentle and loving toward me. He revealed the root of some lies I had been believing about myself and gave me a beautiful picture of His perspective and how He sees me. He ministered to me by replacing shame and condemnation I have felt most of my life with His tender, personal love for me."
"My prayer session was yesterday and I went in burdened, heavy, discouraged, low in the hope category, and confused. This morning I woke up feeling like 'me' again. The shift I feel is nothing short of a miracle and I am so grateful!!!"
"During my last ministry session, God spoke to me in new ways about where he was in past pain and how he has gifted me. He is redeeming trauma and showing me truth about how he has made me! I feel so much freedom and rootedness in truth after my prayer ministry session!"
"Jesus encouraged me in parenting during my last prayer ministry session. He helped me hand over the condemnation I was feeling and reminded me of how He loves my kiddos more than I ever could."
"Jesus has set me free from self-hatred. Seriously. My internal dialogue is so different, and as strange as it sounds, I'm quick to stand up for myself and speak truth when old criticisms and old put-downs start to creep in. I'm a child of God, and I want myself to know that my whole self really and truly believes it."
"God showed me how much He is for me. He reminded me He is always with me, always fighting for me, and He delights in me. He is freeing me from shame, guilt, anxiety and depression. I was clearly reminded that He made me and delights over me!"
"Doing some of the things I learned in prayer ministry, I was able to meet with Jesus the other day after a fit of anger, and He helped me understand where it was coming from. He brought truth, healing, and freedom to that place in my heart that was still holding onto unresolved hurt from the past. I am noticing so many changes in how I process and handle difficult things that have come up since then. He truly heals us and sets us free!"
"I came to a prayer ministry session with so many self-doubts and questions. I felt like such a failure. Jesus spoke into all the questions and showed me how through Him already passing the test, I have been and will continue to be successful with Him. He replaced all the hard and heavy things with His delight and approval. He melted away all other opinions (including my own) and freed me from condemnation!"